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English Audio Request

175 Words / 4 Recordings / 3 Comments

Everyone thinks Mark is a bored person because he collects things, and some people feel that collecting things is one of the most bored hobbies. Mark's collections are rather different, though: one is a collection of chocolate wrappers, while the other is aeroplane boarding passes!
"I know my collections look unusual, or even eccentric, but in fact there are quite a few people collecting these things", he says. "I now have 102 wrappers and 23 boarding passes, and both my collections still grow! Whenever I'm out, I occasionally keep an eye out for different wrappers and if I see a chocolate bar whit a wrapper I haven't got, I buy it. As for boarding passes, I sometimes travel by plane myself, but I've asked all my friends and relatives to bring me some whenever they fly anywhere.
It's actually really fun and quite challenging to find different designs, though my mum is getting more and more tired of the mess in my room; she is always telling me she is going to throw everything out!



June 7, 2011

Correction to text:
"Everyone thinks Mark is a boring person... collecting things is one of the most boring hobbies."
(A BORED person is someone who thinks things are uninteresting or dull. A BORING person is someone who *is* uninteresting or dull.)

June 7, 2011

Thank you! ¡Gracias!:-)

June 30, 2011

Sorry, I didn't mean to upload the file twice, and I don't know how to delete one of them.

Also, wanted to point out that "Aeroplane" and "mum" are typical of dialects of the British Isles, not America, so my pronunciation is slightly unnatural.


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