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English Audio Request

225 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments

One night, not so long ago, just I was drifting off to sleep, the phone rang. It was my 19 year-old son, who is at university in Edinburgh, calling to say that he had broken up with his girlfriend at midnight and he had been wandering around the city ever since, not knowing what to do. I told him to catch the first train home. He arrived looking a wreck, but after a good sleep and some home cooking, he began to feel his old self again.
The next afternoon he told me what had happened. Then he told me more. And more. And ever more. A moment arrived when I couldn't help asking myself, should I be hearing all of this? It wasn't that I was shocked. He reminded me of myself in my own student years, but with one important difference- I would never ever have confided in my parents this way.
Girls I knew then were fairly open with their mothers, but none of my male contemporaries would ever have admitted asking their mothers for advice. Despite all our talk about how important it was for men to let down their defences and learn how to express their feelings, most of us still secretly felt that any man who depended on his mother too much was a bit of a mummy's boy.




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