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English Audio Request

210 Words / 2 Recordings / 1 Comments

An alligator has a big mouth. It has many teeth and a big tongue. It has a long tail. It has scales.
A butterfly has a long, thin body. It has two colorful wings. It has two antennae on its head. This butterfly has spots on its wings.
A chimpanzee has long arms. It has fingers on its hands. It has toes on its feet. A chimpanzee has lots of hair.
An elephant has big ears. It has two long tusks. It has a long trunk. An elephant has four big feet.
A lion has fur. It has four big paws with claws. This lion has a big mane around its head. It has two eyes.
A parrot has two wings. It has a long tail. It has colorful feathers. It has a beak. It has claws on its feet.
A tortoise has a hard shell. It has four legs and four feet. A tortoise can make its head and legs go into its shell.
A shark has fins. It has two pectoral fins and two dorsal fins. It has other fins too. It uses its fins and tail to move in the water. It uses its gills to breathe under water.



April 16, 2020

Thanks :)


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