I need help of native english speakers. Slow speed, please (for kids).
Avocado. Avocado is green. It has a big seed.
Bear. The bear is big and brown. The bear loves honey.
Cat. The cat is cute and fluffy. The cat is purring.
Doll. The doll is pretty. The doll has long hair.
Egg. The egg is oval. You can crack the egg.
Fish. The fish is little. The fish can swim.
Goose. The goose is big. The goose says: "Honk-honk".
Hay. Hay is yellow. It’s a big stack of hay.
Insect. The insect is small. The insect can fly.
Jar. The jar is smooth. It’s a jar of jam.
Key. Take the key and lock the door.
Lemon. The lemon is yellow. The lemon is sour.
Moon. The moon is round. The moon is in the sky.
Nest. The nest is round. The bird built a nest in the tree.
Owl. The owl has round and yellow eyes. The owl has soft and fluffy feathers.
Panda. The panda is black and white. The panda is a cute animal.
Quail. The quail is a small bird. The quail lives in the forest.
Rabbit. The rabbit is fluffy. The rabbit is hopping.
Sun. The sun is too bright. You can feel this warm sun on your skin.
Top. The top is colorful. The top has an axis and a point.
Umbrella. The umbrella is yellow. The umbrella is wet.
Van. The van is fast. The van goes vroom-vroom.
Wheat. Wheat is yellow. It's an ear of wheat.
Xylophone. The xylophone has wood bars. They are yellow, red, blue… Xylophone is struck with a mallet.
Yogurt. I like yogurt. Yogurt is very tasty.
Zebra. The zebra is nice. The zebra has black and white stripes.