Pleas take a quick pause between each sentence
Many of these markets are rife with corruption, but graft is not necessarily perceived as a serious crime in some place.
Mexican firms are the third most likely to have to pay bribes, right after Russian and Chineses ones.
He said only slightly tongue in cheek
Another lesson from the Walmart case is that it usaually takes a crisis to spur real change.
Siemens has been rehabilitating itself since a 2006 corruption scandal involving more than $1 billion in bribes across several contries torpedoed its reputation and stock price.
The company has plunged into a major scandal since he revealed that it paid US 2 million in bribes to local officals to sidestep regulations.
The worst part: the story alleges that then CEO and other top executives knew exactly what was going on and tried to hush it up.
The scandal tells you that doing business in the world's most fastest-growing markets can be fraught with peril.
The one of the reason that the stock market has done relatively well throughout the downturn is that it was buoyed by U.S. internations earning more and more of their money in these still fast growing economies.