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English Audio Request

155 Words / 3 Recordings / 4 Comments
Note to recorder:

If you find errors or unnatural expressions, please tell me! (including this sentence).

Is there a bank nearby?

You're doing it the wrong way
You're doing it backwards

The rooster was quite displeased with the skinny hen because she was not performing and doing her duty as an honorable hen should.

The rooster crows very early every morning and awakens me and I cannot go back to sleep.

Do it carefully.

Handle with care.

Handle the glass with care.

There are many ways to sharpen a knife.

Learn how to sharpen knives easily and safely.

I, for one, am impressed.

Check the water (temperature) before getting in!

I'm not ignoring your brother, as a matter of fact I invited him for dinner tonight.

It hasn't rained recently; as a matter of fact, we've had no rain at all since the last week in March.

I picked up the book which had fallen onto the floor.

Wanda came over to pick up her things

Where did you learn that?



Nov. 16, 2011

It all looks quite correct and natural, so no changes required. Even the punctuation is correct..

Nov. 17, 2011

Thanks Martin!

Nov. 17, 2011

All I would add, is that in the sentence about the roosters, in my dialect it would be much more natural to say something like "The rooster crows very early every morning and *wakes me up* and I cannot go back to sleep," but awaken still makes sense.

Also, love your accent, Martin! :D

Nov. 18, 2011

Thanks Dan, yours is pretty cool too :)
It's fascinating to hear the same text in different accents and it has to be good for students of English to be exposed to different versions.
Hm, yes, I think "awaken" is probably more common in writing than in conversation. It has a slightly old-fashioned sound, but you can still use it.


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