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English Audio Request

196 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

I don't want to burden you with my problems.

Capture every little thought, to-do, or idea. When an idea is safely captured and off your mind, not only are you no longer burdened by it, but you’ve taken the first step towards making that idea come to fruition.

The silk floss tree is a deciduous tree (it completely loses its foliage), from the tropical and subtropical South America's rain forest. It has a host of local common names (here in Argentina), such as palo borracho (literally "drunken tree").

This guy had pasta and biscuits crawling with parasites, rotting meats and dairy products, and olives covered in mold.

The beach was crawling with tourists.

Its snout is prominent and juts out from the lower jaw.

Look into my eyes! Can't you see? They are open wide!

So long as you get up by eight, you'll catch the train.

The librarian tries to charm me. She's making sheep's eyes at me.

Here are tips on building character in a 5-year-old so that your child can learn how to express themselves without tantrums.

I must get the lawn mower out this weekend because the grass is a foot long.



Oct. 22, 2011

thanks thomas!