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English Audio Request

175 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments

I whipped up a little painting smock for Lara yesterday because every time she asks to paint in the house I immediately become stressed about the messy clothing sure to occur.

There are no sockets in this classroom to plug in the radio.

I keep my phone on my bedside table.

There's plenty of food, so help yourself.

Feel free to help yourself

It is a stainless steel and tempered glass railing with a varnished wood hand rail.

What do you say?

What are you supposed to say?

The police gave the home the once-over.

I burned my tongue when I tried the coffee.

Did you burn yourself?

Did you burn your tongue?

Wait until it cools down.

Give each project a once-over to make sure it still represents your goals, and adjust it if necessary.

Could you give my text a once-over?

He gave me a once-over.

Trousers with cuffs make you appear shorter.

Cuff those pants before you go out in the rain getting yourself all wet.

Would you like some more toast?




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