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English Audio Request

265 Words / 1 Recordings / 4 Comments

Not sure I understand what you mean - is it like when your bladder is so full that you have to urinate? If so "I can't hold it any longer", "I'm bursting for a pee"

She peed, stepped in it, shook her legs, and splashed my face. (talking about a dog)

Say hi to them for me.

Please send my regards to Mrs. L, and tell her that I look forward to working with her.

Please don't leave the caps off the markers (or marker pens), because they (will) dry out.

When you have finished using the markers, put the cap(s) back on (it/them).

That book is not yours, it's your mom's.

It is Pedro's.

When I left she wasn't there.

I was nearly late because the bus was delayed

I was sleeping when my dad arrived to pick me up.

I have a lot of little pieces that I sewing together thats called a patchwork.

Money, money, money: If you think you deserve a pay rise then follow our top guide to getting one.

He's burning the midnight oil getting ready for his exams.

I was up all night burning the midnight oil.

On hot summer nights, we liked to go skinny dipping in the sea.

They are not interchangeable. A chore is a type of task. A chore is a recurring task that typically involves household matters. For instance, washing the dishes, ironing clothes, or mowing the lawn would be chores. Tasks that you are assigned to do at work would never be called a chore.

Thermometer is a device that measures temperature



Oct. 12, 2011

rayne, in the phrase "I have a lot of little pieces that I sewing together thats called a patchwork."

I herad that you said "sewed" instead "sewing". Am I right?

I'm not sure where I found that phrase. I was looking for a phrase with the verb "sew" and the word "patchwork".

Oct. 12, 2011

I did indeed say "sewed" as my brain corrected the sentence for me.

"I have a lot of little pieces that I sewing together thats called a patchwork." should be changed to "I have a lot of little pieces that I have sewed together, that is called a patchwork."

While that correction makes the sentence work, there are many other ways you could say it, Example: "I have a lot of little pieces that make a patchwork when sewed together." Remember it can't be "sewing" because we're talking in the past tense.

Though you could say "I am sewing a patchwork." and that would be perfectly fine, if you are currently sewing a patchwork or it is a project you have recently worked on. And this would also work "I have sewed a patchwork." if the patchwork you have sewed is finished. If it wasn't finished, you could say "I have sewed a partial patchwork."

Oct. 12, 2011

Great, thanks for your time and clear explanation!

Oct. 12, 2011

Always happy to help!


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