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English Audio Request

219 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

A sibling is a brother or sister.

John has two siblings. He has one brother and one sister. There are three children in the family.

A young girl tickles her sibling, evoking a pleasurable response in the child being tickled.

She enjoyed tickling the baby. Where are you ticklish? Don't tickle me!

A napkin is a rectangle of cloth or paper used at the table for wiping the mouth while eating.

Rock paper scissors Game

Rock beats scissors. Scissors beats paper. Paper beats rock.

A white cane is used by many people who are blind or visually impaired

Better safe than sorry.

It's better to be safe than sorry

Better than a kick in the ass

Close your eyes (no peeking!) and count to 10 or 20 or whatever number seems appropriate based on the ages of the children playing.

Call out, "Ready or not here I come," when you are finished counting.

When I left (her house) it was nearly dark.

I don't have ANY idea. or I have no idea.

I am currently abroad and won't be checking my emails multiple times a day, as usual.

The doctor will stop by tomorrow.

I'll stop by your office later today.

I will stop by your house

I just smooshed a cockroach on my desk with my bare hand.

