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English Audio Request

321 Words / 2 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Natural speed please.

From nowhere,sirens blare.
An emergency vehicle speeds onto the scene and busts through a barrier.
But this is no ordinary emergency, and this is no ordinary vehicle.
It's RATCHEN, the Autobot medic!
In a flash, Ratchet switches from a recue truck into an awesome Autobot.
Now it's time to save his friends Sideswipe and Bumblbee.
These banged up 'bots have had a nasty run-in with some evil Decepticons. Rachet quickly gets to work, sawing through a metal bar to free Bumblebee.
Next, he scans Sideswipe with his laser scanner to see what's wrong.
"Hold tight,"Rachet tells his fellow 'bot. "I can fix you." And he does. Rachet can fix almost anything or anyone. His motto is, "If you can break it, I can remake it."
Rachet is a smart 'bot with a clever mind. Back on Cyberton, the Autobots' planet, he was a doctor. Rachet loved to tinker with machines and learned everything there was to know about making and fixing their parts.
This old Autobot has seen many battles and lost many friends.
Through the years, and the battles, Rachet has grown tougher and tougher. But his inner spark still shines strong and true.
Rachet is always there for his fellow Autobots.
Just ask his friends Ironhide, Sideswipe, and Bumblebee. Win his strong senses, Rachet can warn the other Autobots when trouble is coming.
"Look out!"
Rachet doesn't like to fight unless it is necessary. But in a battle he's a 'bot you want on your side.
"Ironhide,I've got your back!"
Rachet is a 'bot bound by honor and a sense of duty.
He will fight until the end alongside the Autobots' fearless leader, Optimus Prime. Any time... Any place...
Together with the other Autobots, Rachet defends the Earth and the universe from the evil Decepticons and their leader Megatron.
But no matter how tough things get, Rachet will always come to the recue of a fallen friend.



Aug. 26, 2011

Thank you for your recording. It is going to be very useful to my son, who's crazy about Transformer.^^


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