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English Audio Request

121 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Can you speak up quite slowly, so my pupils can actually follow the right path on their picture, please?

Enter the maze, turn left and go straight on until you must turn right.
Then, go up, past the obstacle and until the end of the path.
Turn right. Go straight ahead until the end of the path and go down.
Turn right and go straight on until the end of the path.
Go down and walk around the obstacle until the end of the path.
Then, go left. Go straight ahead until you reach the end of the path.
Go up, turn right to go past the green sign. Go up, turn left and go up.
Turn right and take the first turning on the left.
Go straight ahead, go down and go straight ahead.
You have reached your destination!




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