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English Audio Request

575 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

it's an interview, please read slowly :)
thank you in advance !

A: good morning, my name is Laura Beloiel and, as agreed on the phone, I come to interview you concerning your training and your job.
B: very good. So I start by presenting myself. My name is Gregory Lambert. I am 19 years old. I am a student in vocational training. I am half English, My mother is French and my father is English. Before, I studied in “A” level in community and Social Care and now I am in BTEC in tourism, in second year, and I am a trainee in a gîte here in Gennes. The fact that I am half English was a good point because we mainly work with English speaking customers.
A: So, you are a trainee. How do your studies work?
B: I am 2 weeks at school and 3 weeks in work placement. It is interesting because I can discover my future job on the spot and I learn a lot of theory at school on how to manage a touristic structure.
A: Could you describe your structure?
B: It is a gîte in a rural area which is very pleasant. There are 6 double bedrooms and a dormitory with a capacity for 15 people for groups. It was settled in 1998 by an English couple, Mr and Mrs Owen, they are the 2 only people working here. It is 15 Kilometers from Saumur with the castle and Fontrevault is not far away with its abbey. This is an asset because those sites attract a lot of tourists because they are well known, especially in England because we have a history in common between Anjou and England. The fact that the owners are English and that they have a web site with an English version is also positive. The reason I am here as a trainee is also because I speak English.
A: and what services do you provide?
B: Customers have breakfast here of course. But they can also have diner in the gîte at the restaurant room. And we also have a reception room for 120 people for conferences and weddings, especially at week-ends. We also offer, every two days, a special activity with a wine tasting session; we are in a wine production area and customers enjoy our local specialties. It encourages them to stay longer than just one night. We organize this regular event, with 3 local wine producers, which is good for us but also for the wine producers because customers can buy wine directly from them.
A: What activities do you do yourself?
B: Now I can do a lot of things. I greet customers, I do the bookings. I draft invoices, I prepare the bedrooms, I help to cook and to wait customers at the restaurant…
A: And what are your favorite activities?
B: I like greeting customers and waiting them at diner
A: Why do you like waiting in particular?
B: Because I am a trainee, I am not paid, but in the evening this is extra work and I am paid a bonus.
A: ah, I see. And what is your professional project. You don’t want to be a waiter, do you?
B: No, I don’t. I would like to settle my own gîte in the area. I am not so interested in wine but in environment and I would like to offer activities around nature. There is a lot of potential with the river and the natural park


  • Interview about a trainee ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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    Corrected Text

    A: good morning, my name is Laura Beloiel and, as agreed on the phone, I (come) AM HERE to interview you concerning your training and your job.
    B: very good. So I'LL start by (presenting) INTRODUCING myself. My name is Gregory Lambert. I am 19 years old. I am a student in vocational training. I am half English, My mother is French and my father is English. Before, I studied in “A” level in community and Social Care and now I am in BTEC in tourism, in second year, and I am a trainee in a gîte here in Gennes. The fact that I am half English was a good point because we mainly work with English speaking customers.
    A: So, you are a trainee. How do your studies work?
    B: I (am) SPEND 2 weeks at school and 3 weeks in work placement. It is interesting because I can discover my future job on the spot and I learn a lot of theory at school (on) ABOUT how to manage a tourist structure.
    A: Could you describe your structure?
    B: It is a gîte in a very pleasant rural area (which is very pleasant). There are 6 double (bed)rooms and a dormitory with a capacity for 15 people for groups. It was settled in 1998 by an English couple, Mr and Mrs Owen. They are the 2 only people working here. It is 15 Kilometers from Saumur (with the) and its castle, and Fontrevault and its abbey is not far away (with its abbey). This is an asset because those well-known sites attract a lot of tourists (because they are well known), especially from England. (because) We have a history in common between Anjou and England. The fact that the owners are English and that they have a web site with an English version is also positive. The reason I am here as a trainee is also because I speak English.
    A: and what services do you provide?
    B: Customers have breakfast here, of course. But they can also have dinNer in the gîte in the restaurant. And we also have a reception room for 120 people for conferences and weddings, especially at week-ends. We also offer, every two days, a special activity with a wine tasting session; we are in a wine production area and customers enjoy our local specialties. It encourages them to stay longer than just one night. We organize this regular event, with 3 local wine producers. It is good for us, but also for the wine producers because customers can buy wine directly from them.
    A: What activities do you do yourself?
    B: Now I do a lot of things. I greet customers, do the bookings, draft invoices, prepare the bedrooms, help to cook and to wait on customers at the restaurant…
    A: And what are your favourite activities?
    B: I like greeting customers and waiting ON them at dinNer
    A: Why do you like waiting in particular?
    B: Because I am a trainee, I am not paid, but in the evening this is extra work and I am paid a bonus.
    A: ah, I see. And what is your professional (project) goal? You don’t want to be a waiter, do you?
    B: No, I don’t. I would like to (settle) establish my own gîte in the area. I am not so interested in wine but in environment and I would like to offer activities (around) IN nature. There is a lot of potential with the river and the natural park.


March 31, 2021

Hi Diane, thank's a lot ! It was a good exercice for my students, they found it a little fast but that was fine. You should come again to visit Fontevraud :)


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