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English Audio Request

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Living on Other Planets

Topic: In the future it will become more difficult to live on Earth so more money should be spent researching how to live on other planets such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model answer:

Many entrepreneurs and governments are investing in contingency plans for living on other planets in the distant or not-so-distant future. In my opinion, though this will have no impact for foreseeable generations it is nonetheless a worthwhile endeavor.

Those who are shocked at the expense of space research typically point out the more pressing needs of everyday citizens. This applies to residents of both first world and developing nations. In the United States, there are millions under the poverty line, senior citizens without decent retirement plans, and countless families lacking proper health insurance. The case is even more dire outside the developed world where the underprivileged are vulnerable to natural disasters such as flooding and droughts which can result in famine. The money spent on space fantasies would be better diverted to sustainable solutions for the common man.

Despite the justified concerns above, I believe it is more important for mankind to take on grand, lasting projects that will have long-term impact. Thousands of years ago, ancient civilisations invested lives and centuries building pyramids and other great works that serve as monuments against time. Investing in technology to travel to and inhabit other planets would not only serve this purpose but at some point in the future climate change or overpopulation might make interplanetary colonization an essential alternative. Future generations will be grateful for our efforts in the same way we appreciate the relics of ancient world powers.

In conclusion, learning how to live on other planets will have far-reaching implications for humanity in the future. Governments should of course balance terrestrial and extraterrestrial investment but they should not yield humanity’s dream of one day saturating the universe.




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