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English Audio Request

353 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
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Topic: In many countries, women join the army as men do. However, some people argue that the army solely needs males. What is your opinion?

Model essay:

Stepping into the 21st century, women have set foot in nearly every walk of life. However, the army is still a male-dominated area in much of the world. A great many people hold bias against women’s enrolment in the army. In my view, females can contribute to the army just as males do, despite some of their shortcomings.

The first standpoint to conscribe females is that they now have more chances to receive education. In comparison with the past, where the army recruitment policies focused on strength and fitness, the current focus is on academic ability. Physical fighting, either armed or unarmed, no longer features in modern warfare. It has been replaced by battles between tanks, armors, missiles or warplanes, most of which are computerized. In other words, females can perform military tasks as their male counterparts do, provided that they are well-educated or well-trained.

Secondly, women have inborn merits that stand them in good stead. Females are less likely to commit faults, for they are accustomed to dealing with matters with accuracy and caution. Patience and consideration of others account for the high presence of females in army hospitals or logistics departments. Other impressive personality traits include their endurance of hardships, especially in grueling conditions, and their tenderness, a character required in the caring profession in the army.

Notwithstanding their strengths, females have some limitations they may need to overcome. The first obstacle is the social attitudes. Females have to cope with the pressure exerted by their families, acquaintances, or friends, as serving the army is widely seen as a deadly job, which is exclusively for males. The second obstacle is sexual discrimination and harassment, which seems common in most armies and can discourage females from serving their countries.

In conclusion, females’ presence in the army should be approved and encouraged. Their performance can be guaranteed by their innate strengths, despite the fact that they might have to cope with prejudices and other external disturbances.



June 17, 2022

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