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English Audio Request

287 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
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Environment, Government, & Individuals

Topic: Many believe that individuals can do little to improve the environment. Only governments and large companies can make a real difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model answer:

Many people today have resigned themselves to the fact that necessary environmental reforms will only be effective if enacted by governments and corporations. I believe that although influential organisations will ultimately be decisive, individuals must force them to act and are therefore the ones making the real difference.

Those who argue individuals are relatively powerless point out the tangible benefits of governmental regulations on corporations. One standout example of this is the oft imitated clean energy initiatives championed by Barack Obama. His greatest legacy in the eyes of many is the regulatory laws he pushed through congress that gave tax breaks to renewable energy companies and imposed stiff penalties on companies reliant on fossil fuel exploitation. These sweeping provisions have accomplished more than any grassroots, individual movements have.

However, the only reason governments and corporations protect the environment is because of external pressure from voters and consumers. This is clearly reflected in the campaign platforms of most liberal politicians in first world developed nations. It is a basic requirement to run with a cohesive environmental plan to have any electoral hopes. The same pattern repeats itself in terms of corporations, though to a lesser degree. More and more consumers are environmentally conscious and this has pushed companies like Apple and Amazon to rethink and loudly publicise their environmental policies.

In conclusion, environmentally friendly governmental and corporate reform is driven by individuals. The key question of our age has now become how receptive governments will be to the will of the people.



June 17, 2021

Thanks so much for your help! 😘


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