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English Audio Request

340 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
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Topic: Young people often copy the behaviour of famous people, so celebrities should only be allowed to advertise healthy food or drink and should not encourage unhealthy habits such as smoking. Do you agree or disagree?

Model answer:

Young people look up to celebrities and can be easily influenced by them. Because of this, some people believe that there should be restrictions on what celebrities can advertise, or on how they behave. In my view, this seems a little unreasonable.

It is true that celebrities have a lot of influence. Brands pay them large sums of money to use their products in the knowledge that this will increase sales. These companies know that young people in particular want to copy their heroes. However, not all of these businesses offer healthy choices. Thus, famous people also sometimes promote less desirable behaviour. As a society, we need young people to follow good role models, and so celebrities need to understand that accepting money from advertising means that they are acting in this capacity. Therefore, the famous need to be aware of their role in society and make good choices based on this.

Nevertheless, the proposal to restrict celebrities in some way may go too far. While they should behave responsibly when in the public eye, they should also be allowed the freedom to make their own decisions. Furthermore, if we believe that young people will always copy the behaviour of others, even when this is unwise, that indicates a different problem: the need for young people to learn how to think for themselves. Thus, rather than asking celebrities to change their lifestyle, we should teach the young to take responsibility for their life choices.

In conclusion, I can only partly agree with this view. Although celebrities should not promote unhealthy behaviour, I believe they have the right to choose for themselves how they earn money or spend their free time. It is far more important to teach young people to show their own good judgment than to limit the freedom of others.



Aug. 20, 2020

Thank you!


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