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English Audio Request

352 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
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Topic: In some places, fast food, prepared meals, and sugary drinks are now sold in more shops and at lower prices than in the past. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

Model answer:

Our diet is becoming increasingly unhealthy. This is reflected in the fact that cheap, fast food, and sugary drinks are now found in many shops around the world. However, this low cost and convenience comes at a cost.

Undoubtedly, the availability of prepared meals and canned drinks has some advantages. This type of food is abundant because it appeals to our taste buds. People would not eat it so often if they did not crave the taste. The low cost also means that people on a lower income can afford to feed their families, and it is made even more appealing because it also saves time in the kitchen. There are now so many big businesses based on producing this type of food and drink that many workers are dependent on the selling or making of it, and this industry is a key employer of many lower income families. These advantages show that this development is likely to continue for some time.

Nevertheless, the negative effects are significant. The low cost of this type of food means that it has become more of a staple diet for many people. It is widely acknowledged that processed and sugary foods are unhealthy, so their widespread consumption is concerning. Such food contains many additives, offers little nutrition, and is largely seen as responsible for the growing obesity problems around the world. In addition, there are links to diabetes, all of which affects the economy as well as putting pressure on the healthcare system. Ultimately, the problems associated with this type of food have an impact on everyone.

In conclusion, the availability and convenience of this type of food mean that it is likely to be here to stay. Nevertheless, the long-term health effects show that, on the whole, this is a negative development. Finding a way to increase the cost would go some way to solving this.



Aug. 20, 2020

Thank you so much!


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