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English Audio Request

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Topic: In some countries, very few young people are willing to do unpaid community service (for example, working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood, or teaching sports to younger children). What problems might this cause? What do you think is the best way to solve these problems?

Model answer:

Community service is a useful way of helping in areas where the local government is unable to. However, as it is unpaid, the idea is often not very appealing to young people. This causes problems that it is important to find solutions to.

Community service and charitable programmes generally help to take care of the most vulnerable in society. This can mean providing food and care for the poor, the homeless, or the elderly, or it may mean improving the public spaces where they live. If young people do not become involved in this work, the responsibility falls to older people, who may have the time but not the physical strength or resources needed. As a result, the vulnerable will suffer and the places where they live will eventually deteriorate. Unless the problem is solved, the culture of taking care of others could disappear. A community where people only think about themselves is not a healthy one, so it is important to find a solution.

There are several ways to approach this problem. The first, and perhaps most obvious, is to make community service compulsory for all high school students. While this would go a long way to solving the problem, it may not be easy to implement, and is likely to be unpopular. A second, and more successful approach, would be to find a way to encourage younger people to help. For example, by making sure they receive training, and learn useful skills in return for their efforts. Participants could also be given good references to improve their employment prospects. This would mean even more if employers actively looked for this type of experience when recruiting. Therefore, an effective solution requires more than the efforts of young people.

In conclusion, community service is an important part of any society and everyone suffers if it fails. In my view, the best way to encourage young people to get involved is to offer good incentives, and to show just how important it is to everyone.




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