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English Audio Request

127 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
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Meeting at supper they always talked about politics.
A lot of newspapers write about home and foreign policy of states
and about recent events in the world.
I don't know much about her politics, we've never discussed them.
I hope that all countries will pursue a policy of peace.
My friend would like to go into politics.
The policy of our company is to develop international cooperation.
Honesty is the best policy.
In the university they do politics, economics, and law.
I think you should work out your own policy on this question.
Politics makes a serious influence on every person's life
but we seldom think about it.
Politics has never interested me.
She wants to go into politics.
The nationalisation of industries is not government policy.


  • policy vs politics ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    Corrected Text

    Meeting at supper they always talked about politics.

    A lot of newspapers write about home and foreign policy of states
    and about recent events in the world.

    I don't know much about her politics, we've never discussed them.

    I hope that all countries will pursue a policy of peace.

    My friend would like to go into politics.

    The policy of our company is to develop international cooperation.

    Honesty is the best policy.

    At the university they study politics, economics, and law.

    I think you should work out your own policy on this question.

    Politics make a serious influence on every person's life,
    but we seldom
    think about them.

    Politics have never interested me.

    She wants to go into politics.

    The nationalisation of industries is not government policy.


Jan. 19, 2021

In the university they do politics… [At the university… (American usage). At university… (British usage). They do politics… (Changed to ‘study’ because ‘doing politics’ is a possible combination, but has ambiguous meaning.)]

Politics make…about them. [I prefer the plural in this sense of the word.]

Place a comma before ‘but’ when it introduces a new clause.

Jan. 23, 2021

Thank you very much


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