Hi. I need an American speaker to record these pairs of words. This sounds are somewhat hard for me to distinguish, so I will use Anki to learn how to differentiate them. Hence, I need that the words are recorded clearly, with a small pause between each word (so i can edit the mp3). To make the quiz challenging for me, please, try to pronounce each pair with the same tone, intonation, speed, etc so i won't have clues. Thanks for your help :)
bitch beach
is ease
his he's
fill feel
bell bill
hem him
let lit
match much
cat cut
fan fun
ankle uncle
so saw
boat bought
low law
got goat
cost coast
rot wrote
want won't
bad bed
bag beg
man men
fast first
hard heard
farm firm
pull pool
full fool
bed bird
west worst
such search
suffer surfer
bust burst
form firm
walk work
warm worn
berry very
boat vote
bury very
there dare
worthy wordy
breather breeder
came game
could good
back bag
rice rise
place plays
price prize
ice eyes
sea she
see she
sore sure
thin thing
fan fang
pin ping
clothing closing
then Zen
siege sees
change chains
forge fours
sheep cheap
shoes choose