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English Audio Request

169 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

Are we there yet?

Chapter 1: Starting Out

The year I turned eight, Mum and Dad took us on a trip around Australia. Luke, Billy and I missed school for the whole winter term.Nan and Poppa stayed behind to look after Buffy and Tigger and Bess.

We towed Poppa's old camper trailer, and it was our home for three months.
It folded out to make a little house, with a table, a fridge, two double beds, a stove and a sink.It had everything we needed.

(We practised in the backyard before we left.)Luke slept in his swag under the stars except when it rained,and then he bunked in with us.We were squashed but it was cosy.

The day we left, I helped Nan pin up a big map of Australia so she and Poppa could follow our journey. (We live in a tiny place called, "Binnum". Our journey started and finished here.)
"I wish I was coming, Grace,"Nan said, as she hugged me tight."I'm going to miss our cuddles."

