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English Audio Request

119 Words / 2 Recordings / 2 Comments

like to listen to music like classical music, new age music, modern music and so on.
Actually, I don’t have any music preference. I listen to all kind of music.
However, recently I especially listen to classical music a lot because I find it relaxing.
It’s very calming and it helps me to relax and clear my mind after a stressful day.
I have music playing while I work and classical music helps me more concentrate on my work and feel comfortable.
However, I listen to lady gaga when I need the energy of modern music. “Born this way” is my favorite song. This helps motivate and encourage me when I’m depressed.
Anyway, I love to listen to music.



May 16, 2011

A mistake I noticed in the text that I corrected when I recorded: "I listen to all *kinds* of music."

Also, you should take out the word "more" in the sentence "classical music helps me more concentrate on my work". It is unnatural.

Hope the recording is helpful :)

May 16, 2011

I like to listen to music like classical music, new age music, modern music and so on. Actually, I don’t have any musical preferences. I listen to all kinds of music. However, recently I have especially been listening to classical music a lot because I find it relaxing.
It’s very calming and it helps me to relax and clear my mind after a stressful day. I have music playing while I work and classical music helps me (to) concentrate more on my work and feel comfortable. However, I listen to Lady Gaga when I need the energy of modern music. “Born This Way” is my favorite song. It helps motivate and encourage me when I’m depressed. Anyway, I love to listen to music.


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