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English Audio Request

136 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

Fans of Neil Gough’s The Right Man, a look at
political campaigning in the 21st century, have
eagerly anticipated a follow-up, but whether his
latest volume, In Retrospect, rises to the challenge
is arguable. This book poses the question ‘does
advertising merely reinforce stereotypes or create
them?’ It is bursting with commercial artwork
and slogans from the 1950s onwards, and some
may appreciate the trip down memory lane to
a time when ‘real men’ smoked pipes and wore
fedora hats, and when slogans such as ‘Christmas
morning she’ll be happier with a Hoover and Don’t
worry darling, you didn’t burn the beer’ were perfectly
acceptable. Where In Retrospect falls down is its
lighter emphasis on the analysis side of things,
and thus it feels a superficial read at times.
Nevertheless, a treasure worth buying or giving.


  • t3 ( recorded by MallyMal ), American

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    Fans of Neil Gough’s The Right Man, a look at
    political campaigning in the 21st century, have
    eagerly anticipated a follow-up, but whether his
    latest volume, In Retrospect, rises to the challenge
    is arguable. This book poses the question ‘does
    advertising merely reinforce stereotypes or create
    them?’ It is bursting with commercial artwork
    and slogans from the 1950s and onwards, and some
    may appreciate the trip down memory lane to
    a time when ‘real men’ smoked pipes and wore
    fedora hats, and when slogans such as ‘Christmas
    morning she’ll be happier with a Hoover and Don’t
    worry darling, you didn’t burn the beer’ were perfectly
    acceptable. Where In Retrospect falls down is its
    lighter emphasis on the analysis side of things,
    and thus it feels a superficial read at times.
    Nevertheless, a treasure worth buying or giving.



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