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English Audio Request

150 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

In January 1918, the first cases of a new strain
of influenza were observed in Kansas, USA. The
ensuing pandemic lasted to December 1920,
spreading across Europe, and even to the Arctic,
claiming an estimated 20–50 million lives.
With little understanding of how the ‘Spanish
flu’ virus spread, many people were forced to
rely on folk remedies such as eating onions
or wearing goose fat poultices. In Contagion,
Dirk Smithey takes a comprehensive look at
over 2000 years of disease and treatment. He
is not the first to attempt this, but he writes
with unusual compassion, and in doing so,
elevates his work above the rest. Interestingly,
once we arrive in the 21st century, Smithey
makes reference to the anti-immunization
trend, but does not enter the debate, a decision
I suspect may irritate those working towards the
elimination of needless childhood disease. All
in all, an alarming yet fascinating read




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