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English Audio Request

197 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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interviewer : Do you remember a book you couldn't put down?

Student: A book called 22/11/63 by Stephen King which is about an English teacher who gets in a time machine and tries to prevent the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It's 700 pages; I read it in two days.

Annie: The book that i couldn't put down was Harry Potter because when I started reading it I became a bit obsessed and the only time I ever missed school was because the new Harry Potter book came out... and I loved it so much just because it was, you know, kind of the magical world of Harry Potter and it was just, I suppose it was pure escapism but I loved it so much when I was younger.

Mark : Yeah, my favourite book is escapism also but it's The Hobbit. loved The Hobbit growing up - and now - I find myself now... I read it before bed and it kind of empties all the worries of the day and all the magical allegories and good versus evil and everything. you could read it as a youngster and you could read it as an adult.


  • Do you remember a book you couldn't put down? ( recorded by caltonb ), Canadian

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