Natural speed please.
The Hai Tua is a trick
that involves the pen spinning around the hand.
The breakdown of the Hai Tua is a twisted sonic to Thumbaround
or fingerless Thumbaround to a HandAround to a Fingerless Thumbaround Catch.
The trick begins with the twisted sonic to Thumbaround or fingerless Thumbaround,
but instead of catching the pen, the spinner turns their palm down
so that the pen continues to spin,
gliding over the back side of the hand.
The pen moves to the end of the hand
and is released into the air for a very short amount of time.
The spinner then turns their palm back up
to catch the pen as they would with a Fingerless Thumbaround.
The Hai Tua makes 2.5 revolutions.
The Hai Tua is not a beginner trick
and should be avoided by newer spinners.
it's great! Thank you, rhodochrome, for that! Very nice voice. That's exactly what i'd expect.