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English Audio Request

228 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments

I alone can generate a solution to a problem, but by reaching out to my social network I come up with a much better solution than I could have alone. However, its up to me to determine the believability of these users and their sense of integrity. User-generated content in the form of personal branding can’t lack qualitative credentials, otherwise the creation of this content is pointless. I, as a consumer, am vested with the power to be my own worst enemy.
In the future, I want to become more in touch with opinions. There’s no doubt that the value proposition of various social media channels will change over time or become obsolete. I shouldn’t mourn the fact that I don’t have the time at this very moment to develop quality content. One day it will be as effortless as utilizing and enjoying the data. Like the internet, my identity is always morphing: “from intuitive improvisation evolves my distinct adaptive agility.” Brands aren’t defined by campaigns, but by perpetual incremental improvement upon their salient attributes.
I have learned to never underestimate how much I am judged by how well and convincingly I communicate my ideas to others. Credibility is lost by being vague or misinterpreted. I strive to be concise and compelling but remain balanced and factual.
Now tell me that’s not a damn good unique value proposition!




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