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English Audio Request

171 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

I gained ten followers on Twitter from the start of the measurement on January 19th to January 31st. I’d say five of them are bots for certain, but the rest seem humanoid enough to pass muster. I’m impressed; I had little confidence in growing my tweet following.
I did not gain any followers on the blog, but that is perhaps that users are reading the blog sourced from an entirely different syndicated feed. I received three votes on the social media poll and all voters indicated that they used Facebook most often in a typical week.
Although Twitter seems to promote more instantaneous communication than Facebook, I would characterize my Facebook feed as a spewing stream of consciousness. I would characterize my tweet feed as somewhat more strategic. I did plug my blog on my Facebook and tweeted about it, but couldn’t find a way to integrate these applications into Blogger. A one-size-fits all branding statement won’t help me nurture the individual connections I need to survive in this social ecosystem.




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