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English Audio Request

377 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

The Experience
Fun: Foremost, I am doing something euphorically creative. The last time I spun my own thread was way back in the dodge ball days. For each technology, I was thinking of my personal brand in terms of electronic aesthetics. I’m still clambering among the stalagmites of the widening knowledge chasm, limiting the value that I can derive from spending time on these channels. I realized that I had to move past customizing the layout if I wanted to accomplish anything, but I was clueless as to what ideas would constitute effective, relevant content for my messages.
Blogger, I stuck with the basic template features and experimented adding a few widgets like the survey and the YouTube player. The survey was my attempt to determine the number of unique visitors, I didn’t think until today to fire up ancient neurons from IT 101 and mess with the HTML coding. Google Analytics allows anybody with a Gmail account to get a mélange of metrics for a site including bounce rate, page views, and percent new visits. I wish I knew more about application programming interfaces (API) to help me get a grip on the endless permutations of interconnectedness. If I had an undo button, I’d spend twice as long learning how to use Blogger than I would updating any other technology.
Facebook, albeit time-sucking parasite, has been with me the longest. Tinkering with the privacy settings was the first step, then contending with the beta Application Dashboard. In terms of content, I’m no longer afraid to let my genius show. I used to think participating in this arena involved appropriating witty quotes, clicking the “Like” button, or tagging friends in photos. Now, users can monitor the user-generated content side from two angles: the content itself, and then the metadata that’s packaged as content. Trippy. Confusion occurs when my network posts content that isn’t consistent with my brand message, meaning my audience might misinterpret a message.
Now I’m sure he intended no harm, but I don’t jibe with virtual pillow fights, cartoon characters, and people I met once in back in high school.
What is the value of this?
Similarly, what about these?
I tried to mitigate hollow perceptions by diversifying my content posting, linking images and videos.



March 5, 2012

I mistakenly reversed "met once" to "once met" because of the extra "in" thrown in that "threw" me.


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