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English Audio Request

199 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

Advancing Me: Trials and Tribulations
In three words? Constantly fluctuating continuum. I have journeyed to my cliff’s edge and back, panting, racing in fervor of complete information overload. I am astounded at the sheer amount of data that exists within and is perpetually produced by this mighty, fickle creature of our own design. We’ve even given it a pet name, dropping the first ‘t’ to “innernet”. Not cute.
I’m similarly overwhelmed by the diversification of social media. Open source code has changed the way consumers and companies are thinking, nevermind ultimately putting those insights into practice profitably. A phenomenal cultural explosion of collaborative collective intelligence – I’ll attest it’s the first time I’ve been motivated to change my behavior so quickly. It feels like someone else has strapped my furiously pounding heart into the seat of a jet and went from 0-160 in less than two seconds. My dreams of having a video blog aren’t coming true anytime soon, as I’m contentedly gallivanting between the silver linings of cloud content. Props to my new perspective: when I look at a computer screen, I truly, passionately wonder who’s out there looking back at me. Doesn’t that make you infinitely curious?




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