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English Audio Request

226 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

Summer of 2009 rained in. For three NASE credits I spent a week in Cape Cod chasing copepods and sketching Spartina alterniflora, every day posting photos of my journeys to Facebook with running commentary. Shortly thereafter, for three EC credits I muscled through Intermediate Price Theory, using Google to carve out answers to impossible homework assignments. Simultaneously, I rocked the socks off of my GB 301 profs, my team getting the highest grades in our section. Ironic, considering I spent class time posting egregious commentary mocking the mind-numbing lectures. I still had yet to tackle the hardest semester of my academic career.
Fall 2009 was a bitch. I fought tooth and nail for my spot at the head of the pack. Not only will I be graduating one year early, but I’m now poised to hold my MBA in one year’s time. There’s appeared a bright light at the end of this tunnel, and I’ve broken off at a sprint, headstrong. A big fish in a small pond, I’m growing outspoken amongst my classmates. Amongst some, I sense, disdained. People whose names I don’t know will excitedly wave at me across the quad, hurry over and ask if it were really me they’d seen behind the Library desk (who’da thunk it), or stocking the Falcon Market, or smiling at the bookstore, or teaching students as professor-for-a-day!



March 6, 2012

There has appeared -- not, there's appeared

Among [not amongst] some I sense 'disdain' not 'disdained'


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