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English Audio Request

223 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

Using mental images of certain suitemates spontaneously combusting, I quit smoking, hit the gym every day, and my ideal self continued to shift out. I engaged friends both current and potential in person and online. I even signed up for a Twitter account, created an eBay store for random trinkets, and was considering starting a video blog. Facebook was renowned by the Bentley bubble as a home-wrecking end-all be-all. I was smart enough to heed my mother’s premonitions and adapt to changes in the privacy policy. Short-lived JuicyCampus meted demise to an unlucky few, inspiring fear among the masses. The Vanguard known for eloquent exposés of foolhardy drunkards, went digital to always keeping readers coming back for more. (sometimes, you just get mad hungry) made it easy to find, select, and obtain takeout, even at 2:45 in the morning. A mere bystander as globalization riddled bulletholes in business strategies, the integration of television, internet, mobile devices, and humans heralded a new era. The power of the group was undermining a marketer’s ability to control the online user experience. I made buzzwords like cloud computing, rich content, and new media my vernacular, awestruck as their mutations slipstreamed before my eyes. I could feel the power vested in me as a modern virtual consumer, but still I couldn’t see the forest for the trees.




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