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English Audio Request

277 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

For my brother’s fifth grade science project, he designed a BizWiz. Talk about pretending: this thing was a GPS velcroed to a cell phone velcroed to a Palm Pilot. Of course my father helped him with the idea, but getting an A+ turned out to do more harm than good. Prior to the project, my brother had been blind to my online activities. Preferring the Playstation console, television, or goofing off outside, he avoided anything that potentially involved reading or effort. I am not sure how it happened, but one day I bounded home from the bus to find my brother compromising the cushion of my swivel chair. I glimpsed the images on the screen for one instant before I yelped and he screamed and my mother appeared and yes, were we both grounded.
Even with my mother’s repeated attempts to add IE security controls and my constant criticism, my brother’s usage yield ravaged the system, wracked it with viruses, rendering it nearly intolerable. After repeated wails, bribes, cries, fits, and pleadings, my mother buckled and bought a brand new computer.
Her computer. She told my brother and me that it was only to be used for homework. If we wanted to do anything else with it, we’d have to use the old one. Obviously, threatening us with homelessness after a crippling identity theft sure-fated by our delinquencies did absolutely nothing. Her machine was instantly cheese-holed by Trojans, worms, and ad clients. My brother couldn’t resist, I couldn’t desist, could not cease to connect. Like history disappears into the fraying cobwebs of old, my mother’s “new” computer moved into the creaky attic just as had its predecessor.




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