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English Audio Request

221 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

I had been including the computer as a daily activity – move-in day I demanded it be set up before my own bed – and I thought I was an expert, a consummate pro. On the blustery blizzarding days when Mom said it was too cold to play outside, great! I instantly gravitated to the glow of our new 1 Ghz HP with speakers attached right to the monitor. I boasted to schoolmates that ours had been upgraded from 256 megabytes of RAM to 512, the speakers were attached right at the monitor so you could hear it better, and it had the Internet.
“What’s that, you say? You’ve never used the Internet? Well then, you’re behind the times, you’re slacking, you’ve got to get online!” I would taunt my friends with updates from what I conceptualized as “the real world”, spewing random knowledge forth from my trivial pursuits. At school I would stare at the red second hand spiraling on the clock face as my professor’s Charlie Brown womp-womp voice droned endlessly. I was chomping at the bit to get on the bus, from which I would race up the driveway into the house, barreling up the stairs and sliding into my cushiony swivel chair where I would spend the next four or five hours. I was addicted to information.




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