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English Audio Request

156 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments

212 days went by not so fast

It's funny how love can change your life. One moment you're focused entirely on yourself, purporting your own wisdoms to the world, and then there's someone else's viewpoint that you consider considering. Curious, curious indeed. After a long semester and a significant alteration in my self-awareness, I can confidently say that my journey has hardly even begun. What I find funny is how my college campus shielded me from reality. Mom and Dad I can't thank enough for financially supporting me throughout my studies. Now its on to some serious business. I'm still seeking a job, but am a contender for several sales positions where I can excel quickly. I'm looking for the next big thing, something that's going to pop it like its hot, something I can live and breathe and win at. Is that what you're hiring for? Get in touch with me ASAP. I'm accepting InMail.




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