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English Audio Request

197 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

People Buy From People part 2

When there exists a superstructure of uncertainty around either the feasibility or the longevity of the solution, I believe the decision making process for the potential customer becomes more psychologically primal. This series of events happens more intuitively than consideration of factors such as affordability, timeliness, and other such secondary influencers. Instead, the potential customer looks to socially acquired instances that consciously indicate a level of trust.
When I attempt to develop a rapport with my prospect, it is for reasons threefold. Firstly, I realize that if I seek an understanding about how he expresses himself, my understanding of his needs as expressed will be deeper. Secondly, I am educating and information-seeking more than I am hard selling, making a complex discussion more easily had. Lastly, people buy from people.
If I introduce myself to the bus drivers who stop in Oak Square, begin a dialogue about their interests, or even just about the weather, regardless of the points of commonality or difference we share - at those moments we build trust. Instead of just a lunatic grinning crazed in the middle of the street, I become my indefatiguable personality-rich self.


  • People Buy From People part 2 ( recorded by lised65 ), Standard American English

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