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English Audio Request

192 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

Your Type Seven EnneaThought for the Day part 2:

Anticipation is a dangerous thing. It can cause someone who is typically a rational, practical, logical thinker to behave in a way obtuse to these normal patterns of thought. Consider the effect that pressure and stress, whether of your own creation or mandated by some other relevant party - and you start to understand the feeling I'm attempting miserably to characterize.

You see, but then you don't. The traditional inaccuracy with which we can predict long-term outcomes of any particular set of circumstances should indicate to our logical brain that in fact we needn't worry. Any attempt I might make to mitigate risk in the present no doubt has an effect on the outcome of the future, or does it?

Consider the age-old example of the farm animal, let's agree to call him Babe, to put a face to the story. Borrowing a bit from Nassim Taleb's philosophy, Babe has no reason to expect that one Sunday morning he'll stop being fed scrumptious slops and instead find his neck on the chopping block. The farmer of course knew the plan from the beginning.


  • Your Type Seven EnneaThought for the Day part 2: ( recorded by lised65 ), Standard American English

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