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English Audio Request

243 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

Moving forward, moving quickly
I was told last night by those older and wiser than me that the world is moving a lot faster now than it was moving thirty years ago. I don't really have any data or experience to corroborate that statement. Sure, I have the proliferation of social media, smart phones, and twenty-four-seven interconnectedness that drives the world of commerce around me. Should I have said thanks, Captains Obvious, but what does that mean?

I'll tell you what it means to me; it means that its not getting any easier to define and delineate what's important. Prioritization is skewed by seeking instant gratification, whereby goals for the long haul are shed in the short term. Despite the individualistic focus, I've transformed my American dream to an international dream. Considering the scope of business and personal life can (so easily) span country boundaries, I've realized that I'm missing out on a lot if I don't explore the world at-large.

How can I aggregate all options to matrix and make the right decision at the right time that will lead to the best possible outcome? That's the truly confounding element of it all, trying to establish a life strategy based on pie-in-the-sky extrapolations. What I need to remember is that in life, there's no right answer. Paranoia around having not made the most optimal decision will cloud my ability to remain focused. Moving forward requires a full experience of the present moment.


  • Moving forward, moving quickly ( recorded by lised65 ), Standard American English

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