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English Audio Request

257 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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161. What did you do last night? “I taught my brother mathematics. I taught him algebra / I taught him geometry / I taught him trigonometry / I taught him calculus.”
162. How was the weather yesterday? “It was hot and humid.” It was cool, It was rainy, It was foggy, It was snowy
163. When was the last time you went to the library?
164. When was the last time you were so hungry that you could eat a horse? “I was really hungry last night and I ate an entire pizza.”
165. Did you eat out25 last night? What did you have? “Yes, I ate out at a nearby Korean restaurant in the mall.”
166. What time did you go home last night? We usually use “at” with specific time expressions: “I went home at seven o’clock.”
167. What did you have for breakfast this morning? “I had rice and Kimchi.” “I had bacon and eggs, and a glass of milk”. “I skipped breakfast this morning”
168. What did you have for lunch today / What did you have for lunch yesterday? “I had a tuna sandwich, some potato chips, and a coke.”
169. What did you do last weekend? “I stayed home. I really didn’t do much.” “I had a great time. I went out with my friends to a nightclub and danced.”
170. Did you sleep well last night? “No, I tossed and turned all night. I couldn’t sleep because I kept dreaming all night.” “Yes, I slept like a log last night.”




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