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English Audio Request

161 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

Thank you for inviting me to your office.
You’re welcome!

I heard you know three languages. Is that right?
Well, actually four languages.

Four! Really?! What languages do you know?
Besides my mother tongue, Persian, I know English, French and Russian well.

Interesting! And when did you learn them?
I began learning English at school when I was thirteen.
Then I began learning French in a language institute when I was fifteen. And I learned Russian when I was a university student in Moscow.

Can you use all of them fluently?
I know all of them well, but I use English more.

OK. Do you think language learning should start as early as possible?
My experience says interest and hard work are really more important than age.

Hmm… that’s an important point. May I know what your favorite language is? English, French, or Russian?
To be honest, I enjoy using them all, but my favorite language is absolutely my mother tongue!




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