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English Audio Request

136 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

Oh, deceptive brands, with your green words,
You pretend to be eco-friendly
You pretend to be bio and green and 100% natural
but what does that mean?
To make more money and profits
And pollute the land and air
Your glossy ads and catchy slogans,
Hide the truth of your environmental damage.
You claim to care for the planet,
But your actions show otherwise, it's evident.
You engage in greenwashing, it’s a fake claim,
To distract from your true, destructive practises
But we will not be fooled by your lies,
We see through your clever messages.
We demand honesty, and change,
No more cheating, no more lies
So let’s support those who truly care,
For the planet and all the children
Together, we can create a brighter, greener future,
Let’s ditch greenwashing and swap for sustainability




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