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English Audio Request

250 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

A few weeks ago, I watched the heartbreaking movie Into the Wild.
It tells the true-life story of a young adventurer.
In 1992, an idealistic young American, Christopher McCandless, left the comfort of home and family to live in the wild.Emile Hirsch stars as Christopher McCandless, son of wealthy parents
He graduated from Emory University as a top student and athlete. However, instead of embarking on a prestigious and profitable career, he chose to give his savings to charity, He rid himself of his possessions, and he set out on a journey to the Alaskan wilderness.
He also stopped all contact with his family.
Deep in the Alaska woods, far from civilization, McCandless found an abandoned trailer. Unfortunately, he was hopelessly unprepared. For example, he did not know the difference between an edible plant and a poisonous one, even when he had a guidebook to show him the differences. Of course, poisonous plants and edible plants can look similar.
When he was starving, McCandless killed a moose, but he left the meat in the sun for too long, and the meat became infested with maggots. Even though he was hungry, he
felt terrible about the killing and called it “the worst mistake” of his life.
The film is deeply philosophical, anti-consumerist, freedom-inspiring and shows breathtaking landscapes. Emile Hirsch's performance as Christopher MacCandless is really brilliant and convincing.
If you love nature and the great outdoors, this is a must see! It makes you appreciate life and how beautiful it is.




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