slow speed with drama effects in the tone if you are sort of comedian ;-)
ten timid ghosts
ten timid ghosts in a haunted house
A witch moves in and wants them out
One sees a skeleton. He flies to the woods and then there are nine timid ghosts
Nine timid ghosts in a haunted house
a witch moves in and wants them out
One sees a bat. She flies to the woods and then there are eight timid ghosts
Eight timid ghosts in a haunted house
A witch moves in and wants them out
One sees a ghoul and screams
He flies to the woods and then there are seven timid ghosts
Seven timid ghosts in a haunted house
A witch moves in and wants them out
One sees a black cat. She flies to the woods and then there are six timid ghosts
Six timid ghosts in a haunted house
A witch moves in and wants them out
One sees an owl. He flies to the woods and then there are five timid ghosts
Five timid ghosts in a haunted house
A witch moves in and wants them out
One sees a vampire. She flies to the woods and then there are four timid ghosts
Four timid ghosts in a haunted house
A witch moves in and wants them out
one sees a monster. He flies to the woods and then there are three timid ghosts
Three timid ghosts in a haunted house
A witch moves in and wants them out
One sees a spider. She flies to the woods and then there are two timid ghosts
Two timid ghosts in a haunted house
A witch moves in and wants them out
One sees a big rat. he flies to the woods and then there is one timid ghost
One timid ghost in a haunted house
A witch moves in and wants her out
She sees the witch.
She flies to the woods and then there is zero ghost
Ten angry ghosts in the deep dark wood
“That witch is too tricky and just no good! This isn’t fair – We live in the haunted house!”
Let’s scare her away!
One old witch in a haunted house
ten brave ghosts want the old witch out!
BOOO BOOOO. They give her a scare!
The witch sees the ghosts and she screams with fear
The Ten brave ghosts can now enjoy their Halloween party!