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English Audio Request

343 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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It's a transcript of a report on the French final exams.

-[Student 1] No! It's certain. It's written down. I looked at it ten times.
-[Student 2]Oh my God, thank you! Thank you!

They have all been behaving strangely since this morning. Don't panic, it's the "bac" effect. They are jumping in every direction.
In Bordeaux or in Paris, you can't tell whether they're crying from failure or from victory.
-[Student 3]Well, it feels good because I thought I'd have to retake it, but actually it's fine.

Dad's tears are tears of joy.

-[Dad]They work for..., yes it's true, for their parents, but...
she's the one who worked hard.

In this high school in Paris, a ninety-percent success rate. One is all the more proud to have passed the "bac" when one has been a dunce all year long.

-[Student 4]I passed with honors too.
-[Dunce]I was next to last in class,
I always told myself I'd never pass. I passed it without having to retake it. I'm delighted.

-[Student]She passed and we were very scared. We're very, very happy.
-[Student]What about me? Did I get it or not?

The "bac" is the culmination of one year of work. What am I saying? Of an entire school career. Once the "bac" is in your pocket, you look for your friends on the list. You must make sure they're also part of the celebration. Unfortunately, their friend Hortense will not be going out tonight.

-[Students]She has to take the oral exam?

She will be in remedial lessons, like ten percent of the students in this high school. The exams begin tomorrow. The teachers are offering their final advice.
-[Teacher]You have an assessment which is rather favorable for the "bac."?
-[Teacher]OK. So in terms of the examiners, the chances are good. You need to be relaxed when you go. The best method is to take note of the subjects which are given a heavy rating.

-[Students]It's a party! It's a super party! We have everything we want, it's great!

Only four of them failed and will not party tonight. The others can go on vacation.




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