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English Audio Request

224 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

- Do you use Internet regularly? What for?
- I think I use Internet about 5 or 6 hours every day. I need it at work to send emails and do some research, and I have several social media accounts that I check all day long.

- Have you ever said anything online that you wouldn’t say in real life?
- No… I don’t think so. I’m always very careful about what I write.

- You’ve already downloaded music or videos online, haven’t you?
- Yes, I have! But mainly music; actually, I do that quite often.

- What TV series have you just watched online?
- Eeeerh… I’ve just finished season 3 of Stranger Things so I’ve just started season 4.

- Have you ever met anybody online?
- Yes, I have. I’ve even made new good friends once or twice.

- What social media have you never used?
- I’ve never used…errrh, well, Telegram! And I will never use it for sure… and I’ve not been on Twitter yet. In fact, I’m not very attracted to Twitter. I prefer Snapchat of course!

- Have you ever been bullied online?
- No… I don’t think I have… but I must say I have already felt upset about some comments I read about me.

- Have you ever cyberbullied someone?
- No, definitely not!



Feb. 15, 2023

Thank you so much, it's great!!
I have a second audio named Be safe on the net (2) and which comes with the first; could you please record it too? It would be fantastic:)))


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