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English Audio Request

169 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Masculine voices please.

Robots will be the future for factories, restaurants, military activity, and space operations. Factories will use robots to transport things faster, make the product faster, etc.

In our future, we will definitely have robots. We will have robots in factories, schools, stores, taking over jobs, and much more. Robots will be working and we, the human race, will be lazier.

Robots will be everywhere in the future; they will be at stores and in your house. In just everyday life everyone uses robots like TVs, phones) cars and computers. I think that robots will have human qualities [ ..] They will also be able to have the 5 senses that humans have; smell, touch, taste, hearing and eyesight. They will also be able to have emotions.

Robots will be useful, but if there are too many, they will replace humans, and we will evolve into lazy, uneducated beings. There is a perfect example, a movie named Wall-E. The people are surrounded by robots and are very lazy and fat.


  • What Role will Robots play in our future? ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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