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English Audio Request

226 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

SAP2000 automatically create joints at structural object intersections or internal joints when meshing structural objects. Joint coordinates and information may be displayed on screen in the model window or in tabular format.

The frame element uses a general, three-dimensional, beam-column formulation which includes the effects of biaxial bending, torsion, axial deformation, and biaxial shear deformations. SAP2000 has a built-in library of standard concrete, steel and composite section properties of both US and International Standard sections
The cable element is a highly nonlinear element used to model the catenary behavior of slender cables under their own self-weight. Tension-stiffening and large deflection nonlinearity are inherently included in the formulation.
Tendons are easily drawn as independent objects, with geometry specified as straight lines, parabolas, circular curves, or other arbitrary shapes. Tendon loads, including all losses, are easily defined in SAP2000.
The shell element is a type of area object that is used to model membrane, plate, and shell behavior in planar and three-dimensional structures. The shell material may be homogeneous or layered throughout; material nonlinearity can also be considered when using the layered shell.
The solid element is an eight-node element for modeling three-dimensional structures and solids. It is based upon an isoparametric formulation that includes nine optional incompatible bending modes and is useful for modeling objects in which loading, boundary conditions, section properties, or reactions vary by thickness.




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