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English Audio Request

145 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

Okay... So Im writing a book. Here's this specific character details:Looks For a Good Time, Positive, Out Going and Crazy. Not into relationships, to most people's surprise. Extremely supportive of people's decisions . Not a huge prissy gossiper, tends to be a more southern hospitality kind of person. Doesn't take much too seriously. Okay at giving advice, but doesn't like to give it often.
So Im looking for some phrases to get down her normal dialouge... for ex. "It's Whatever" or "That's Cool" "Whatever you say, hun" . Like some basic kind of phrases she would say. They don't need to be like the ones above, just some phrases on how you would picture a character like this. PS: if it makes any sort of difference or sparks some ideas, she has Latino roots. THE PERSON WITH THE MOST (GOOD) PHRASES GETS THE BEST ANSWER!



June 20, 2010

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