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English Audio Request

116 Words / 3 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read this at natural speed. I need about 3 different voices so if someone submits a file please feel free to add to it^^

I recently went to Japan and stayed with a Japanese family in Tokyo. They were very helpful and taught me a lot about life in Japan. They take their shoes off inside their homes. We normally don’t do this in the U.S. Sometimes I forgot, and then I felt bad. Also, they explained that in Japan, people take showers before they take baths.
At first, this seemed weird to me. Why wash yourself twice? Once, I forgot to take a shower first, and I washed myself in the bath like we do in the U.S. Oops! Anyway, I had a really fun time in Japan. It showed me that people in different countries do things differently.



Aug. 31, 2010

Cheers mate. Great recording. No hiss or background noise. u must have some great equipment.


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